Comma Chameleon
An ODI Experiment

A desktop CSV editor for data publishers
Comma Chameleon is a CSV editor, not a spreadsheet application. We let you add and remove rows, input data and export your file, and that's about it.
Developed as a proof of concept by The ODI, it has now been replaced and superceded by Data Curator (GitHub).

Data validation
Not sure your data is ready for prime time? You can validate your CSV on the fly using CSVlint, so you can be sure your data is reuse ready before you publish it!

Export for reuse
Once you've finished creating your dataset, Comma Chameleon lets you export your data as a Data Package, ready for publication and reuse!

Publish on Github
Want to publish your CSV quickly and easily? We've got you there too - we integrate with Octopub to automagically upload your data to Github, and even generate a snazzy webpage to go with it!